Mutual Fund Formalities and Type of Investors

(Phone Rings)

“Hello, am I calling Concept Investwell Pvt Ltd? “

Yes, greetings, How may I help you today, Sir?

“Myself Mr. Chintan, I am in Surat now for Holiday. I want to start more SIP and I have already SIP with you so want to add, please tell what to bring with for Formalities when we meet at 9 PM today?”

(As he is working in Tech Firm from Banglore)

You have updated with KYCs so bring a cheque leaf only and rest I will provide forms to sign.

“But I do not have cheque with me right now in Surat.”

Do you have Cancel Cheque Photocopy?, it will work.

“No, I do not have”

I found a solution for you only that is Online SIP through Mutual Fund AMCs website, and guessing you do have Net Banking facility in your bank account

“Oh, Yes”

That is enough.

(At 9 PM during meet after login & filling online details)

“Voila, That’s convenient & Easy, just 5 minute and my SIP formalities done.” I will do this now onwards for all transaction and all your firm codes are with me, so it is good to go, Thanks”

There are many ways one can invest in Mutual Funds and everyone have different choices to perform formalities. For Example few people prefer Physical forms only while other prefers formalities should be quick so go with online investment. Importantly, remote clients also prefer investment formalities through courier over online investment.

Whether online or offline, some investor want to invest for good returns, there are pros and cons of online Mutual Fund Investments,

Offline Online
Sign Physical & Personal Visit for Investment At your Screen Investment
Ask Executive or Wait for Communiqué Quick to realize the Status of Transaction
Co-ordinate with Executive for Transaction Quick to Action for Transaction in Login
Only BackOffice Login to View BackOffice login and Enable to transact once decided
Easy to ask and invest First to understand and then Self actionable Investment
No additional Infrastructure Required Internet and Mobile or Device required
More Physical Activity involved Least Physical Activity Involved

Even though how to Invest in Mutual Fund is matter of choices and preferences for all kind of transactions. But there are some cases where investor prefers fusion or multiple ways to transact mutual fund investments, which are as below,

  1. My Login and I-invest

This kind of Investors are well versed with Mobile and it can be of any age, they will first enroll with us and do basic formalities either in BSE Star MF or other platforms with KYCs.


  1. Quick Execution of all decisions taken for Mutual Fund Investors
  2. Mobile App users
  3. Asking for Advise only
  4. Liquid Fund Earner (In-Out Funds frequently)
  1. Bring Form I will Sign

These kinds of Investors are generally not young and they are preferring paper work for transaction due to many reason. Possibility they are UHNI clients.


  1. Traditional Investors
  2. Not having thorough or complete knowledge
  3. In fear of Security for Online
  1. Physical Investment and Online investor

They have made investment long ago and now want to restructure portfolio or withdrawal. Moreover they found online transactions very convenient.


  1. Comfortable with any mode online & Offline
  2. They need little guidance to become an online Mutual Fund Investor
  3. They do not perform transactions frequently
  1. You will Initiate and I will approve to proceed

Certain investor wants quick Mutual fund investment but do not want to do online formality. Additionally, online platform BSE Star MF is such or Mutual Fund AMC individual Advisor logins, which just OTP or link approval required.


  1. On Phone they will approach advisor or distributor
  2. Not having enough time for Formality but aware of Online Mutual Fund Investment
  3. Focus only on Investment to be made, don’t bother much on Platforms

Ease of Investment may attract more investors, and it is generally trend to reduce formalities of investment. The forte of online Mutual Fund Investor is onscreen investor with smooth process and accessibility anytime. Few investors are ready to do online investor if they are supported initially. Importantly, when you decide something to park money in various funds, in few minutes it is executed without delay. Mainly, decisions of Additional purchase can be increased, while SIPs are registered without duplicating Form filling. Those who have applied for SIP through form and after that if you make SIP from online platform, one can feel the difference. Online Payment method is through net banking removes the issuing of cheque, and reduces the hurdle. Similar to SIP, Systematic Transfer plan or switch among funds, are available in investment login. This could be helpful when someone has investment in many folios. These makes tracking of history simpler.

Concluding, these new forms of investing platforms are bringing more convenience compare to traditional methods. Though, traditional methods are gradually replaced by difference means of technology and supports.

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