Having Advisor is coming from history

We are individuals involving over selves in different  field from day to day work where someone is present to tell you that this is appropriate based on their experience. We may or may not follow them; it is our choice to obey them. Ultimately, we pick a choice, to act or not to act. For example, when we are visiting shopping mall and we may ask desk executive at least once, “what we should by, what do you think?” Specially, you are buying expensive product. One more example is, when you lost somewhere on road, we just open Google Map and ask path to reach the destination. History shows that we appoint advisors from engineering and construction, politics to fund management of enormous kingdom. These are different forms of Advisor but the crux is that we tend to ask opinion of someone who are expert and experienced then us. We call it as “an Advisor.”

Why we ask someone about our belongings or decisions? The simple reason behind this, we are not knowledgeable as those individual. Might be, we are not interested to go deep in a matter and we are focusing our selves on end result only. The Professionals like Chartered Accountant, Doctor, Lawyer, Astrologer, etc are qualified Advisors. You have seen in many movies or plays, while someone is interrogated by police officer, he typically reply, “First my Lawyer come and I will answer”. On the other side, coach, trainer, dietician, matrimonial website, tourist guide etc are semi qualified or based on their experience Advisors. Friends and Family, colleague, your leader in office, etc are closed ones who somewhere in your life advise you so they are also an Advisor. Several other qualified and experienced are Advisors who tend to have at some point of your decision like Investment Advisor or wealth Management expert. History has many advisors who provided and achieved results for respective advice seeker, presenting few examples from old times as below.



Example 2: Implementation of L.P.G. in INDIA in 1991


Example 3: Provided Medical Assistant during WAR in 1938


Example 4:  CRICKET World Cup Victory by INDIA in 2011


We are taking services of Advisors in different fields as they are Dexter  and we have believe they will provide us best possible solution to solve our problem or make our decision appropriate. So in same way Investment Advisor is required when as an Investor you have sizable and big investment portfolio. We are also aware that it is come up with huge opportunity cost if we have diverted our focus from it due to any reason. They way, we are paying timely attention, will be decisive. Nevertheless, we are least bothered that someone will come and advice you where to deploy your big chunk of money to have effective return as we solely took call to act. It is more risky when you are having big portfolio and misses in between and paying attention in frequently. In this scenario, Investment Advisor will play his part of role. Any trap or ponzi schemes should be avoided, your Investment Advisor will you that. It is necessary when we are flowing in our emotion to have lucrative out come. They are your emotional Controller too and act wise to protect you.  They are also opportunity finder for your selves as they bring suitable investment product with proper knowledge of it. If you are thinking what they will do for you then, they are an Encourager to achieve your financial goals. Moreover, it you put your aim to attain financially, they are playing as Fulfiller role. When someone is trapped ago, he will do all his best to save you from it, so they are also a Saviour. You come up with a product which you may hear somewhere or any message from media; he will explain the truth to you like a Google, where you find most of your answer. He is also a good listener so that you can feel free to peach all your concern and worries. He does not jump to the conclusion at first sight, so he is now a Wishful Listener. Investment discipline is field of numbers and statistics; he will interpret for your best interest so he is an Interpreter for you.

All in all, we are behaving with our entire Advisors from different field as an expert of his field and take advice of then to act further. Same way Investment advisors are also same kind as they are constant in gaining knowledge, observing capital market events and qualified in very particular products and industry. Investment Advisor is the future ahead where we are outsource the decision to qualified in their discipline and trusting them completely, so that we focus our area of business. Investment Advisory is also accompanied by Artificial Intelligent in upcoming years but the concluding remark is that Advisor is important rather we act naively and trapped unnecessarily. Why is it so? It is simple that they belong to their discipline and deeply involved in it thoroughly.

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